Why do people dislike Donald Trump even though they don't have any knowledge of politics?

I think it is ridiculous when people hate on President Donald Trump even though they have no knowledge of politics. If you don't have knowledge, don't have a stupid and destructing opinion.


  1. Oh i know politics and we all know trump is the worst

  2. Although Trump is a narcissists he has shown potential as POD US, I believe the only ones complaining is the minority making nice, since the majority of Americans elected him as president because they believe he would provide what they needed and bring about change and better America. Most people who complain are uneducated people that follow the crowd of those who hate him without knowing a single thing about politics, when asked why they hate him they respond with "he is a bigot" or the famous "he is racist" because of what they hear from new clips taken way out of context, one shouldn't speak on topics they have little knowledge about and then insult and complain when others have other opinions they are able to support with statistics and facts just because they dont go along with your feelings and make you feel better. People need to learn on topics before debating experts whom have studied and educated themselves. Its okay for one to have a personal opinion but not to force it down other's throat. So in conclusion people should give Trump a chance and if you disagree with things hes done they should support it with facts and research.

  3. Although I agree that people should not be hating on Donald Trump because he is our president, saying that they don't have knowledge of politics is not always the case. People could have knowledge of politics and may just not like him. It's their opinion, and people are allowed to have a opinions. Juts because they have an opinion does not make what they say stupid.


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